Shannon Parish – Case Study

The team at Shannon Parish

The Parish Team

Today, there are three Priests living in the Shannon Parish who are located in Drumgeely, Tullyglass and Tullyvarraga. They are catering for an ever increasing population, which at present stands at approximately 10,000. It is a vibrant, fast growing town, the second largest in County Clare, with a close-knit people working together for the betterment of the community.

We understand what is important in a parish so it communicates well with parishoners and visitors. We also have invaluable experience in supporting parish personel in updating the website.

The Brief

Shannon parish was looking for an easy to use website that could be updated by parishioners who had little or no technical skills.

Parish websites designed and built a beautiful website for Shannon that focused on effectively communicating to parishioners and visitors local information such as:

• Parish News
• Death Notices
• Upcoming Events
• Mass readings and more!

Since the start of 2010, Parish Websites has helped over 30 parishes go online from Kilkee on the west coast to Baltinglass in Wicklow.

What they said

Fr. Tom Ryan says of the Shannon Parish website,

We had many reasons to hesitate before entering the online world. Now it has become another part of parish life and how we communicate as a community. The mystery is gone; there is no downside and more people than ever are involved.

The results

With our powerful Analytics tool, we can measure any website activity and keep track off all visitors and where they go on the website.

The Shannon parish website has received thousands of visitors since its launch. Year on year their online presence continues to provide an excellent medium for members of the Shannon community to keep up to date on Church events and more.